Defibrillator Training

Each school year, Ballinamore Post Primary Schools provides training to any student in fourth year who wishes to become competent in CPR and AED.

The course provides CPR (cardio pulmonary resuscitation) and AED (automatic external defibrillator) training that meets the needs of schools responders, as well as the general public. Students who successfully complete the training are awarded with certificate of competence from the HSE.

Training meets The American Heart Association Guidelines, and combines lecture, interactive video demonstrations featuring emergency scenarios that are likely to occur in a school environment and hands-on training to teach participants lifesaving skills including:

  • CPR – Adult: Participants learn how to perform CPR and care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults
  • CPR – Child and Infant: Participants learn how to prevent, recognise and respond to cardiac and breathing emergencies in infants and children under 12
  • AED – Participants learn how to use automatic external defibrillators
  • Choking – Students also learn how to recognise if a person is choking and how to perform the Hinelick manoeuvre.