Tag Archives: Aid

Concern Hunger Hero Certificates

Transition Year’s undertook a variety of activities around the area of world hunger and food poverty for their DE Module. They participated in a CONCERN workshop on the area of World Hunger and learnt more about how people in developing countries are affected by lack of food. Another activity they undertook was the St Vincent De Paul Christmas Food Appeal where various food boxes were donated in school and helped those in need on the lead up to Christmas. This was part of their work during Social Awareness Week. The final activity students took part in was the Concern Fast prior to Christmas (along with some of the Junior students) where the total amount raised for Concern was €857.66 . Well done to all the students in school who participated in the fast and helped raise a fantastic amount for Concern.  As a result of their effort and work in this area they were each awarded a Hunger Heroes Certificate from Concern in recognition of their commitment to understanding more about this topic.

Visit to Irish Aid Centre

On Monday 1st December, Transition Year students along with Ms Cooney and Ms Clarke visited the Irish Aid Centre in Dublin. The purpose of this workshop was to learn more about the work of Irish Aid. The visit is part of the Development Education module the group are participating in this year in school. Students learnt about the realities of life in a rural African community and about how Ireland is working with other countries to fight hunger and poverty in some of the poorest countries in the world.


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